Popcorn and Cranberry therapy

It's been an entire month since I last blogged. I deserve some sort of horrible blogger punishment. Be exiled to blogger desert, without food, water, or access to a computer. That would be the ultimate hell for an internet obsessed individual.
I can't help it though, life just keeps getting crazier and crazier. For one, my student loan money just ran out, so I have will soon have to go back to working 4-5 days a week. If finals and grad school applications weren't coming up soon I would not be worried at all, but they are... and I'm screwed. This morning I woke up to a fever, cough, and a shut off cell phone. You see, Clark and I have been struggling ever since the accident and we had to pay our bill late... and this month was extra extra late. I also keep getting a plethora of doctor's bills in the mail. All of which have been put on hold until I have made at least enough money to pay my rent first. If only my disability check would actually come. That's what I'm looking forward to as a Christmas present, my EDD check that is almost three weeks overdue. December is soooo much fun.
I've come up with the most awesome pick me up plan though. Last week I spent my internship hours creating homemade Christmas decorations. I made garlands out of popcorn and cranberries, cut out Santa hat and bell shapes, and made my own wrapping paper. I was in a good mood all day long and from what I hear I was also being environmentally friendly. So my plan for the next two weeks is to draw pictures, put up lights, and cut construction paper whenever I'm not studying or working. Maybe I'll even make Christmas presents. I'm not the most crafty person in the world, but hey it's worth a try.