Organic dark chocolate covered fig

I just spent the last two hours on the freeway. I hate L.A. traffic. Not to mention I still have some soreness from my accident and a broken tailbone that never quite healed right. So after the first hour I decided that stabbing myself in the eye would have been more comfortable than how I felt inside my car. Oh well, at least my car is pretty. I don't think I ever mentioned this but I did finally get myself a new car. It's a 2010 Barcelona red Camry LE (picture coming soon). Anyway, now I'm home and I'm pooped. I think I'm going to have myself a glass of wine, cuddle with the cat, and eat my left overs from the organic restaurant I went to after my interview.

Before I go... I'm sure you will all be happy to know that I finally got hired for an internship. I am now going to be interning at Global Green every Friday. The office is in downtown Santa Monica and I can walk down to the beach from there. There's also a yoga place across the street in case I ever feel like coming to work super early for a yoga sesh. Yup.... life is good. Except for the fact that I have no money, but what the hell who needs money. I have my health (kinda), an amazing boyfriend, a sweet internship, and my blog. Yay me!

P.S. In case you're wondering what my post title is all about... that was my dessert from "Kafe." It was delicious.


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