My Perez Pet Peeve

Okay... so I had an exorbitant amount of downtime at my internship today and I was going blogging crazy. Now, I love Perez Hilton, I truly wish I had the balls to say some of the things he says, but his writing skills are definitely not the best. I usually only listen to his gossip when he's on the radio or through twitter, but today I finally decided to check out his blog. Perez went to the same university I currently go to and he was also a journalism major, but the technical skills did not stick and I'm a little upset with him. I'm totally being a journalism snob right now, but damn, whatever happened to proper grammar and spell check? Perez, if you're reading this, I am sorry to hate... you are very popular and your scoops are great, but I think people might take you more seriously if you took the time to create sentences that made sense. Thank you and good night.