Popcorn and Cranberry therapy

It's been an entire month since I last blogged. I deserve some sort of horrible blogger punishment. Be exiled to blogger desert, without food, water, or access to a computer. That would be the ultimate hell for an internet obsessed individual.
I can't help it though, life just keeps getting crazier and crazier. For one, my student loan money just ran out, so I have will soon have to go back to working 4-5 days a week. If finals and grad school applications weren't coming up soon I would not be worried at all, but they are... and I'm screwed. This morning I woke up to a fever, cough, and a shut off cell phone. You see, Clark and I have been struggling ever since the accident and we had to pay our bill late... and this month was extra extra late. I also keep getting a plethora of doctor's bills in the mail. All of which have been put on hold until I have made at least enough money to pay my rent first. If only my disability check would actually come. That's what I'm looking forward to as a Christmas present, my EDD check that is almost three weeks overdue. December is soooo much fun.
I've come up with the most awesome pick me up plan though. Last week I spent my internship hours creating homemade Christmas decorations. I made garlands out of popcorn and cranberries, cut out Santa hat and bell shapes, and made my own wrapping paper. I was in a good mood all day long and from what I hear I was also being environmentally friendly. So my plan for the next two weeks is to draw pictures, put up lights, and cut construction paper whenever I'm not studying or working. Maybe I'll even make Christmas presents. I'm not the most crafty person in the world, but hey it's worth a try.

Hyper ventilating in class

I haven't posted in a long time. Appparently I'm not very good at the whole blogging thing because everytime I start one I ended up neglecting it after a few weeks. I am making myself a promise that that will not happen with this blog. Things have been really hectic with the semester coming to an end an the GRE and grad school applications... I think I'm kind of losing my mind. For example, this morning I almost had a panic attack and started crying over somethign that might not even be that big a deal. I was 15 minutes late to one of my classes today because as I was leaving my boyfriend and I temporarily lost our cat and then when we finally did leave we had car trouble. The wheel well fell off and we had to drive super slow. I know this sounds very unimportant but I had a paper due and I was supposed to be performing a scene with a girl from my class. When I got there not only did my teacher not let me do the scene but I also only got half credit on the assignment. Normally I would have been able to explain the situation and everything would have been peaches and cream but I've already been absent a lot because of my car accident and illness and she did not look like she wanted to hear it. After that I proceeded to go outside, call Clark and start crying because I was thoroughly convinced that I was going to either fail the class or have to drop. That is not going to be the case but I probably won't be able to get an A anymore and I'm pretty sure my professor hates me. Too much stress. I just want to get my money issues in order and for the semester to be over already.

Cheese and Sex Toys do not mix well

Last night I attempted to have my third Brown Bag Party.... it was an utter failure. Normally I don't write about my failures for the whole world to see, but I want to make money doing this not the opposite, and I thought maybe one of you could tell me what I'm doing wrong.

A friend from work was nice enough to host a party for me and she said she invited at least 50 girls. Of those 50 only six showed up and only one bought something. I kind of wanted to cry and after everyone left I proceeded to eat almost a pound of cheese, crackers, and chocolate. Needless to say, my stomach didn't feel very "healthy" when I got home. I do not understand why people have such a hard time coming to these parties. I need an older clientele...

Alright, so to recap; I spent the night tossing and turning because I punished myself for my failure by eating too much, and then I had to wake up at 8 a.m. and drive to Santa Monica to start my internship. I am now still at my internship and I think I'm starting to hallucinate from lack of sleep. All I've had to do all day is look over press releases and make photo copies. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I am just an intern, but I swear I saw tiny little purple elephants marching across the floor a second ago. Yeahh I'm going crazy. I also have absolutely no one to talk to because half the office already went home and I'm playing receptionist for the day, but the phone hasn't rung in at least 3 hours (possibly longer). Ahhhhhhhh

Shave off your eyebrows

I have a test tomorrow and I cannot bring myself to concentrate on interpretative literature. It just seems a little absurd to me that I have to read an entire book and take a test on why people act or how people act out literature. Acting is fun, I like learning different ways to improve my acting skills, but do I really have to take a 50 question test on modal analysis and how to eliminate nerves? Bah. I want to do well I really do, but I cannot bring myself to read more than a page or two before I start watching Tyra and munch on a banana flavored Fiber One muffin. This is really frustrating.

Although I think part of my inability to pay attention has a lot to do with the episode I'm watching right now. There's this girl on the show who is 16 years old but does not age or grow. She's been the same size and looked the same age since she was 6 months old. It's insane, she's like a real life Benjamin Button (well at least the end of the movie when he's old and turns into a baby). Scientists are looking at her DNA and seeing if they can figure out a way to stop aging in adults. They also think her DNA may help cure certain cancers and Alzheimer's disease. That's cool that she may be able to contribute all these great things to science, but I feel bad for her. She cannot talk or her express herself. Poor girl.

Oh and this other girl just shaved her eyebrows off on national television. Not for money, she just felt like it. Apparently she saw Adriana Lima do it in an ad and now she thinks it's the coolest thing ever. The girl even said she loved it, no crying, nothing. I would like to know how Tyra finds these people. It's amazing.

Alright I'm going to go back to studying now, it's 9:30.

P.S. I'm on a mission to find Southern California's best red velvet cake. Any suggestions?

I got pictures

Don't we look ready to skydive out of a plane?

Wendy Burch makes me feel even shorter than I already am.

I don't even know who that guy is but everyone wanted to be in a picture with him


Every time I burp I taste the food I ate earlier. So gross. Anyway, I'm bored and I made a virtual model of myself in a Betsey Johnson dress. I love Betsey.

Okay, now I need to study for my media law test that I have to make up on Monday. Blah law... so dull.

OMG Swine Flu! Eek!

I feel like I'm going to throw up. Pupusas do not sit well in my stomach. God why do I do these things to myself!?!?! I'm not supposed to eat cheese.

Christine Devine emailed me today. I thought that was super cool. I feel special now, even though I do not watch FOX News.....

Sorry I had to take a break to go throw up. I hope it's not food poisoning. Clark and I did go to a random hole in the wall Mexican/Salvadorian restaurant with no rating on the door.... and we did happen to be two of four people in the entire restaurant. Oh the risks I'll take for good tasting food.

Anyway, back to what I was saying about FOX News... ya I don't watch it anymore, but that's okay I still like Christine, she's really nice. It just so happens that I'm not a reporter yet and I'm still allowed to have political opinions and I do not agree with most of what Fox has to say when it comes to politics, that's all.

Speaking of politics, I'm watching the newest episode of Bill Maher and he is going off on Bill Frist. It's kind of funny. They're arguing about the benefits of getting vaccines (specifically the swine flu). Now I wouldn't go as far as to say that I do not believe in vaccines, but I've never felt the need to get a flu shot. I hardly ever get the flu (colds and sinus infections yes, all the time, but not the flu) and I've never in my life gotten a flu shot. I also know of people who get flu shots and then get really sick. I just don't understand it. Plus, it's just the flu. Yes I know the flu sucks balls, but not that many people die from it... and if you take care of yourself you should be fine... even with the swine flu. People are little too paranoid sometimes. Anyway, I'm watching the show and I did a couple of google searches on the quotes Bill was throwing at Mr. Frist.... here are the quotes and my findings.

"There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyways" -former control officer at the FDA Dr. J Anthony Morris

Google search results: Dr. Morris’ findings show that the flu vaccine, when inhaled by lab animals "tended to enhance cancerous tumors."

In the March 4, 1977 issue of Science Jonas and Darrell Salk warned, "Live virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis may in each instance produce the disease it intended to prevent. The live virus against measles and mumps may produce such side effects as encephalitis (brain damage)

I love google... now they're talking about President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. I have to give full attention to this one. See y'all tomorrow.

P.S. What you do you think of flu vaccines?

Organic dark chocolate covered fig

I just spent the last two hours on the freeway. I hate L.A. traffic. Not to mention I still have some soreness from my accident and a broken tailbone that never quite healed right. So after the first hour I decided that stabbing myself in the eye would have been more comfortable than how I felt inside my car. Oh well, at least my car is pretty. I don't think I ever mentioned this but I did finally get myself a new car. It's a 2010 Barcelona red Camry LE (picture coming soon). Anyway, now I'm home and I'm pooped. I think I'm going to have myself a glass of wine, cuddle with the cat, and eat my left overs from the organic restaurant I went to after my interview.

Before I go... I'm sure you will all be happy to know that I finally got hired for an internship. I am now going to be interning at Global Green every Friday. The office is in downtown Santa Monica and I can walk down to the beach from there. There's also a yoga place across the street in case I ever feel like coming to work super early for a yoga sesh. Yup.... life is good. Except for the fact that I have no money, but what the hell who needs money. I have my health (kinda), an amazing boyfriend, a sweet internship, and my blog. Yay me!

P.S. In case you're wondering what my post title is all about... that was my dessert from "Kafe." It was delicious.

I've been given the boot

Yesterday I received a letter from the university saying that I was required to file for graduation by the 15th. Apparently I have too many units and they want me to get the hell out of their school (they used nicer words of course). I wouldn't have a problem with this because I want to get the hell out as well except that I've had a couple of teachers suggest I take a medical leave of absence from the university because of my car accident. Since my accident I've missed two full weeks of school and it is possible I may I have to miss again. I doubt that will be the case because I already have a lawyer and my physical therapy sessions are already planned out. But still... what if something comes up? If I do not file to graduate they will put a hold on my records until I do file. I didn't even know schools did things like this. Why is it that California cares so little about our education? The only reason I have so many units is because I'm a double major. I didn't know it was a bad thing to want to learn toooo much. Screw the CSU and the stupid people on the California legislature. Yeah I said it. pfft.

Since you can't see me I'll have you know that I am giving CSULB the finger right now.

On a lighter note. I received an email from one of the internships that had shunned me earlier in the semester. Looks like something just opened up over at Global Green. My interview is tomorrow. Wish me luck... and no I will not be on drugs this time.

The end.

E News at the Beach

This right here is my final project from my broadcast journalism class last semester. The quality could be better but you know how it is with budgets cuts and all. The lovely pink lady to my right helped me film, write, and edit this entire package. Please enjoy and leave comments. Also if you know anywhere I can get a relatively nice and inexpensive camera and mic it would be greatly appreciated. I need more clips asap.

Good News and Flying Planes

Today I was a pilot and wore awesome glasses... and I volunteered for the Good News Foundation. Since most of you probably don't know what the Good News Foundation is, I'll clue you in real quick. The Foundation was started by a group of female reporters in the L.A. area. They decided that the news industry needed to make an effort to help underprivileged youth achieve their dreams of becoming reporters. Every year they give scholarships and grants to young female reporters and other charities who are committed to improving people's educational access. I wasn't sure what to expect out of the whole thing, especially because of my neck, but I had a lot of fun.

I had to wake up at 7:15 to get to Santa Monica Airport by 9:30. It was not easy! Even though I tried really hard to go to bed early, it is impossible for me to fall asleep before 2 AM. So I dragged myself out of bed, straightened my hair and drove up to Santa Monica. There were about 12 other college girls helping out and luckily for me two girls from my broadcast class from last semester decided to come. We were given green pilot jumpsuits and aviator sunglasses. We were then told our main duties for the day. Since the event was at an airport we were supposed to use airline terminology the entire time. We were told to direct people to their seats by saying "Alright everybody, we cannot depart until everyone is in their seat with their seatbelts fully fastened. Please make your way over to your designated seat." It was super corny but we had a lot of fun. During the silent auction we were even given orange lights to point at the bidders. The guests seemed to think it was really funny. A couple of random people at the tables would ask me about my glasses or start conversation from time to time. Unfortunately none of the reporters decided to do this. It's really hard to network when you're at an event where all the reporters are there with their friends and worried about their own networking duties. You never know when it's appropriate to interrupt and introduce yourself. Luckily, all of the event coordinators were very famous reporters and they were all super friendly. I spoke with Christine Devine from FOX news and Wendy Burch from KTLA a few times. Christine Devine even gave me her card and told me to email her. I am definitely going to take advantage of that opportunity. I met a few other anchors/reporters such as: Susan Hirasuna, Sam Rubin, Ruth Ashton-Taylor, Dorothy Lucy, Mark Thompson, Ana Garcia, Jessica Holmes, Elizabeth Espinosa and probably a bunch of other people that I didn't recognize.

The program itself was really interested. They gave out a lot of different grants, most of them were for more than 5,000 dollars. A woman named Teresa Simmons got a minivan, free movie tickets once a month forever, and 5,000 dollars. I was really impressed with all the people they recognized. Oh and I almost forgot the most important part. Chaka Khan was there.... and she performed. It was insane. That woman has one of the best voices I've ever heard.

I also managed to exchanged numbers with a couple of the girls who volunteered. They were all very friendly and it would be cool if we could all keep in touch and have networks outside of our school contacts. We'll see what happens. I am glad I decided to help out with this event, even though my neck was killing me the whole time. I was okay the first two hours, but after standing around for a while my neck pain became excruciating. I didn't have my medicine with me either (not even an aspirin) so I had to deal with it. I put up with it but after the show was over I realized I couldn't drive all the way home in that kind of pain. So, instead of going home I went to my mom's house, which was a little bit closer, and took a nap on her couch for an hour. When I woke up I felt a little bit better, but now I'm at home and I am pooped out. My plan was to clean up the house before going to bed, but my pillows are calling to me. Goodnight.

P.S. More pictures to come soon.

Things that make me laugh

The following is my brother's response to my post about the Hills. I had to post it for the world to see:

"tries to hide the fact that he doesn't shower by wearing really expensive clothes"

oh he's
taking styling tips from the twilight guy.

The Jetsons Judy Adult Costume - Costumes

The Jetsons Judy Adult Costume - Costumes

Shared via AddThis

I think this is what I want to be for Halloween. What do you think? Suggestions?

The Hills

Okay, I'm at home (for like the tenth million day in a row... stupid neck) watching the season premiere of the Hills, cause I love watching stupid high school drama... and I am so confused. What the heck is up with the Justin Bobby obsession? I don't get it. He looks like a dirty reject Joshua Jackson look a like who tries to hide the fact that he doesn't shower by wearing really expensive clothes. Not my style. Oh well, I guess you have to be crazy and weird to be on a reality show. I am really excited to see the Jade and Kristen fight they previewed at the end. I love watching talentless rich girls hit each other, it makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

Anyway, back to the real world. I am trying to figure out how to get an internship. I have sent out my resume to at least 20 companies in the last year and only two have called me back for an interview. Neither of the two hired me... obviously. I swear I am an accomplished person. I wrote for my college newspaper, I'm in organizations, I'm on the president's list. I DON'T GET IT!?!?! Help!

Car Shopping

It's official, my little Honda is gone forever. I know I've been saying that I want a new car for months, but this wasn't exactly what I meant. Right now I don't know how much I'm going to get in the settlement, but hopefully it's enough to put $10,000 down on a car and still have a couple of hundred left to pay my rent. The Mini Cooper has been my dream car for years but as Clark pointed out earlier, Mini Cooper is owned by BMW and maintenance on BMW's is expensive. I could barely afford the maintenance on my Civic, so it looks like the mini is going to have to wait a few more years. Bummer. I'm thinking I'll probably end up getting a really pimped out Civic EX (with satellite navigation system built in yeaaaaa), a pimped out Yaris (not quite as snazzy), or a Corolla (I don't really like the rear lights on Corolla's though).

I got my rental car today. For the next couple of weeks I'm going to be rolling in a red 2009 Pontiac G6. It's actually a really nice car. Too bad they don't make it anymore because I was really feeling the interior.

Tomorrow I go back to school. On my first day back I get to look forward to a test in nonverbal communication, turning in an assignment (that I haven't even looked at) for interpretative literature, and a journal response for hip hop criticism (that I have yet to start). Basically, I should be doing homework right now and not blogging, but I'm hungry and have no food or money so I decided to distract myself instead.

I didn't hear from the lady I interviewed with on Friday. I was on drugs at the time so I'm assuming she wasn't very impressed with my answers to her questions. I'm not super informed on environmental issues so I probably wouldn't have been the best intern anyway, but I really need an internship asap. Graduation is getting closer every day and I am becoming increasingly scared about my job opportunities after graduation.

In other news, I noticed I actually have follows now... this is kind of amazing to me. Complete strangers are actually interested in reading about my life. I guess I'm going to have to start coming up with insightful and witty things to say.

help me finance my new car go to Brown Bag Party and buy something.... or book a party with me. I'm super entertaining, I promise.

Black outs.

note: I've decided to give all the characters in my posts pseudo names, just in case people decide to start reading my blogs on a regular basis.

I attempted to leave the house this morning and actually socialize with the outside world. I convinced myself that I no longer needed my medicine and could handle the pain in my neck without pain killers. Clark Kent asked me to go watch the games with him at a sports bar so I groggily threw some clothes on at 10 AM (that's very early for me on a weekend) and drove along with him. Within five minutes of entering the bar I realized that I was not ready to stop taking my meds. My neck was sore and I couldn't turn my neck much. The only comfortable position for my head was looking down at the floor. It's very difficult to watch football when all you can look at is the table in front of you. Nevertheless, I tried to stick to my guns and not take my pills and since I was not going to drug myself I figured it would be ok to have one drink. Well.... I was wrong. It took me more than twenty minutes to finish my drink and by the time the glass was empty I started dozing off at the table. I guess my body just was not ready for alcohol consumption. Needless to say I was kind of a drag at the bar. Poor Clark had to take me back to the apartment during the 4th quarter of the Jets -Titans game because I was sore and sleepy. When I got home I had some lunch and proceeded to take my pills. Another bad idea. I thought I was fine hanging out on the bed with my laptop looking at blogger layouts, then I decided to stand up. The minute I got out of bed the blood rushed to my head and everything went black. I didn't faint but this kept happening every time I stood up for about an hour. The last time it happened my heart started racing and I felt like I was going to throw up. Looks like I'm part of the 1% of patients that has side effects like that. I guess I'm going to have to deal with the pain from now on. I should have just stuck with my original plan to not take my pills today.

On another note, I still have not been able to speak with the adjuster for my accident. I hate insurance companies.

Last word... I think Mark Sanchez is now on my list of favorite football players (even though he fumbled the ball quite a few times today).


I think I'm going stir crazy! This past Thursday I was in a car accident on my way to school. I never understood why people say the 22 freeway is so dangerous....I found out though. I was driving along, minding my own business when traffic came to a sudden stop. Everyone in front of me stopped, so I stopped too. Stopping is the common sense thing to do when the other cars around you are not moving. Unfortunately the guy behind me did not understand this concept very well. He rammed right into me going between 35-50 mph. He was going fast enough to make my car run into the car in front of me. This guy was very apologetic, but his apologies did not alleviate the muscle spasms I felt immediately after the impact. It's been two days and I have not been able to work and I'm constantly in pain and/or drugged. I'm pretty sure my little black Honda is gone forever too. Anyway, since I cannot work, I am blogging because this is the closest thing to work I can do from my bed. So please... look at my pictures, read some posts, check out the Brown Bag site, buy some stuff and all will be well.

Sex Toys for a Good Cause

Brown Bag Party, a romance home-party company is set to distribute more than 7,000 Pink Breast Cancer Awareness bracelets in October.

Costa Mesa, CA, September 25, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Brown Bag Party, a nationwide romance home party company, announced this week that they will be handing out more than 7,000 pink breast cancer awareness bracelets for free during October.

"We're putting them in each of our customer's orders, along with a small note promoting Breast Cancer Awareness Month." noted Peter Palmiotto, Brown Bag Party's CEO and Co-Founder.

"Everyone is connected to someone with breast cancer, whether they know it or not and we're happy to raise more awareness and donate money to the Susan G. Komen organization. For every One Touch For A Cure mini power bullet vibe we sell, Brown Bag Party donates $.50 to the cause." added Palmiotto.

"We launched this program about 6 months ago and our consultants are selling 1,000's of these pink vibes. We're delighted to support the team at the Komen organization." Palmiotto stated.

Brown Bag Party promotes the fight for a cure year round through its donations from the sale of its One Touch For A Cure vibe, but is helping to spread awareness during October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

For more information regarding this story or Brown Bag Party, they may be reached at:

Brown Bag Party
3303 Harbor Blvd. Unit B2
Costa Mesa, CA. 92626


Safe Sex is Fun

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I just got the pictures back from my photo shoot with Heather. Let me just say... she knows how to make people look good. Anyone who wants pictures, she gives free sessions for every $100 that you buy from Brown Bag. It's worth it.


This is completely off topic but also kind of relevant.... ex-boyfriends are really annoying and do a very good job of ruining your quality of life.... sometimes even years after the fact. Point being, don't date stupid people... sex toys do have a purpose, and I feel I would have saved a lot of money investing in that than in a person who continues to annoy the hell out of me. Fin.

Busy Busy Busy

I had five classes today... technically I'm still in class. It's only the first class meeting and I already want to shoot myself I'm so overwhelmed. It will take a lot of prayers for me to manage school, Cheesecake Factory, Brown Bag Party, and an internship without having a nervous breakdown. Anyway, right now I'm thinking about how I'm going to get people from school to book parties. So here's the plan, I'm going to be on my laptop at the beginning of every class and I'm going to go to the Brown Bag Party website and pull up really large pictures of sex toys.... maybe people will ask questions... or maybe they'll just think I'm weird, I' m hoping for the former. Buy Buy Buy

Become a consultant, a couple people in our team just won cruises... big money.

September Special

Anyone who hosts a qualifying party (sales over $250) can get this package.

Back to Business

I just got back from New York yesterday and I am tired. Coming back from vacation is always very sad, especially when you're in a city as cool as New York. I cannot wait til the day I can live on the east coast. I think I'm a little jealous of my little sister who is going to be there for four years! Anyway, I'm just blogging about this because the area where we were staying made me constantly think about Brown Bag. I didn't know this when I book the hotel but apparently we were staying at the end of Times Square where the Garment District begins and that area was not so nice. There were a lot of places to shop but I also noticed that every other store was an adult video store or a peep show. I didn't really care too much at first but after walking by these stores a few times I started to feel guilty about not working... and how I need customers. Maybe if I was around with neon lights attached to my purse people will buy some sex toys..... maybeeeee...

Quote of the day

When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute. ~ Author Unknown

Another night of only 2 hours of sleep. Love it.

Business cards

I got my business cards in the mail today. I'm so excited! I want to give them to everyone just cause they're cute. Here's a picture of it. Let me know what you think. Forward it to your friends, tell them all about me.

P.S. I like that the guy from Hung calls himself a "happiness consultant," it's funny. I guess you can call me a type of happiness consultant... although I don't quite do what he does... sorry.

Happy Times with Viva

All women should have this.... it is awesome. Makes you tingle.

Nature's answer to fulfillment! Unique combination of herbs, vitamins, and amino acids blended together to create a smooth, pure, clear, non-sticky gel that cam be used to stimulate and increase a women's desire! Lightly flavored like mint.

First time

I just hosted my first ever brown bag party last Wednesday. It was really scary but also really fun. Luckily I knew everyone there and they are all into sex anyways. Pictures for you:



Brown Bag Party is one of the fastest growing nationwide romance home-party companies in the US. Based in Southern California, Brown Bag Party offers at-home business opportunities to women from all walks of life.

Our strong compensation plan and generous hostess benefits sets Brown Bag Party apart from the pack. We proudly offer a 50% buying discount from the start with no large kits to buy and no recruiting required.

As a Hostess of a Brown Bag Party, you will earn 20% of the party's total retail in free shopping credits. We also offer some great Hostess only exclusives and incentives.

Thank you again for visiting my blog, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Email me frankiv420@yahoo.com