The Hills

Okay, I'm at home (for like the tenth million day in a row... stupid neck) watching the season premiere of the Hills, cause I love watching stupid high school drama... and I am so confused. What the heck is up with the Justin Bobby obsession? I don't get it. He looks like a dirty reject Joshua Jackson look a like who tries to hide the fact that he doesn't shower by wearing really expensive clothes. Not my style. Oh well, I guess you have to be crazy and weird to be on a reality show. I am really excited to see the Jade and Kristen fight they previewed at the end. I love watching talentless rich girls hit each other, it makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

Anyway, back to the real world. I am trying to figure out how to get an internship. I have sent out my resume to at least 20 companies in the last year and only two have called me back for an interview. Neither of the two hired me... obviously. I swear I am an accomplished person. I wrote for my college newspaper, I'm in organizations, I'm on the president's list. I DON'T GET IT!?!?! Help!


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